What is global server load balancing and how can it help my business?

What Is Global Server Load Balancing and How Can It Help My Business?

As your business grows, the number of people visiting your website will grow as well. This may mean more local traffic, or even international visitors if they make up your target audience. As you expand, having a functional website that’s able to handle the growing influx of visitors becomes one of the key importance. With load balancer products, a company is able to distribute the load of user requests piling onto a website across multiple servers, reducing the stress your site endures.

Global server load balancing, also known as GSLB, will be able to help you run your web traffic across multiple data stores or clouds, further reducing stress. GSLB is best used by businesses that aim to address the needs of an international customer base, as sites will be accessed more frequently from different time zones.

How Global Server Load Balancing Works

GSLB monitors server health, availability, and loading times for each data center. It also automatically calculates clients’ geographical location based on their ISP DNS server address, and adjusts to regulatory requirements. The best part is that it can greatly utilize bandwidth, network costs, and other kinds of management aspects regarding internet use.

Why Your Business Needs Global Server Load Balancing

The intelligent nature of GSLB is known for its ability to distribute incoming traffic into a number of data centers and cloud storages. This is essential in the business world of international markets, which we will be discussing now:

1. It Aids in Recovery in the Event of Crashes and Disasters

When a site fails because of unexpected events like power outages, natural disasters, or other events like routine site maintenance and updates, site availability is affected for all users. Because GSLB assists in disaster recovery by rerouting traffic to other backup sites and servers, this avoids costly downtimes for an organization.

2. It Is Geographically Aware

When it comes to content delivery, each geographic location has its own mandates regarding the storage of data and processing. An example would be how, in the European Union, visitors of a site have to have local servers for application requirements. GSLB systems can be configured to utilize geographically specific data centers to comply with each rule. This also assists with forwarding requests to other servers to serve needs like language adaptation and other aspects of adjustments.

3. Application Performance and Availability Is Important

Web traffic needs to be distributed properly and as evenly as possible. Some sites may become overused while others are underutilized, which will cause crashes and poor loading times. Additionally, when a site’s server is only found in one area of the globe and is being accessed from a different region, this means slower load times due to data transfers being longer. With a GSLB present, server loads will be distributed into different servers to give people a better browsing experience.

A Fast-Growing Business Will Need GSLB

Load balancer products are important in the growth of a business, as an internationally acclaimed company will attract users from all over the world. When dealing with clients based abroad, you will want them to have the best experience when visiting your website and contacting you. Through global server load balancing, you will be able to meet the needs of your international client base, giving them more reasons to do business with you.

GSLB by Resonate

Resonate is your go-to company for global software load balancing products. We specialize in finding solutions to high traffic demands and applications that are performing below peak levels for all kinds of businesses. For a better online experience for your company’s website, contact Resonate to know more about what our products can do to assist you.
