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Cloud Load Balancing: What Is It and What Are Its Benefits? | Resonate
Cloud load balancing: what is it and what are its benefits?

Cloud Load Balancing: What Is It and What Are Its Benefits?

To better capitalize on their investments, thousands of organizations are turning to load balancing products to more efficiently exchange data across networks. As the need for computing and storage resources escalates, cloud server load balancing has proven an effective method for saving businesses thousands of hours on IT operations. If you haven’t yet found a solution to high traffic demands and slow performing systems, here’s why you should consider cloud load balancing.

What Is Cloud Load Balancing?

When thousands of users access a website at the same time, it becomes difficult for a web application to manage all these requests. When websites are dependent on a single portal, an influx of traffic can result in system breakdowns.

A cloud load balancer is responsible for distributing these massive workloads across multiple servers running in a cloud environment, ensuring maximum output in minimum response times. As a whole, cloud load balancers aim to maintain system firmness, improve performance, and protect organizations against system failures.

How Load Balancing Works

Load balancing refers not only to website traffic, but also CPU and network loads, as well as the memory capacity of each server. This method ensures that each system is taking on the same amount of work at any given time. It distributes data such as CPU processing and job arrival rates across servers depending on how busy the node is.

With load balancing, best practices dictate provisioning the load balancer in the same environment as the resources it is responsible for balancing. So, when a company’s resources are in the cloud, the load balancer runs in the cloud as well.

The Benefits of Cloud Load Balancing

Cloud load balancing offers multiple advantages, many of which arise from the global nature of the cloud itself:

• Better Performance

Unlike traditional on-premise equipment, cloud load balancing products are easy and affordable to implement. Users can expect client applications to work more efficiently at lower costs.

• Increased Scalability

As user traffic increases, you can distribute it across various networks and devices, which is especially practical for eCommerce websites with thousands of visitors per second. This prevents websites from crashing during high traffic times such as sales or promotional events.

• Handling Sudden Traffic Spikes

When too many requests arrive on a single site at the same time, it’ll likely process slower or even experience downtime. With a cloud load balancer, high-traffic sites need not worry about sudden traffic surges. No matter how large the request, load balancers can effectively distribute them across more resources.

• Business Continuity and Flexibility

For high-traffic websites, cloud load balancing is an excellent way to protect against sudden outages. When one hub fails, the burden is simply shifted over to another working hub. These resources can be located in other parts of the same country, or other parts of the world.

Purchase a Software Load Balancing System

When dealing with increased website or application traffic, a load balancing system can ensure smooth performance with increased redundancy and scalability. By relying on a load balancing product that is easy to deploy, your business can continue to keep up with ever-increasing demands and improve efficiency in the workplace.

Load Balancing Software by Resonate

To improve the efficiency and responsiveness of your applications, work with Resonate to incorporate a load balancing software into your workflow that helps limit downtime across servers. For more information about our local and global load balancing products, contact us today!
