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6 Advantages of Software-Based Load Balancers - Resonate Networks

6 Advantages of Software-Based Load Balancers

Load balancing is essential for organizations of all sizes to maintain access to their applications and ensure a positive user experience. Due to their scalability, efficiency, and reliability, software-based load balancers are in high demand with today’s successful companies. We’ve put together six of the key advantages of utilizing this type of load balancing solution.

1. Scalability

Software-based solutions offer superior scalability. With software-based load balancers, servers can be scaled up or down in real time according network and processing demands. Additionally, they can be quickly placed into existing infrastructures without disrupting an application’s accessibility.

2. Programmability

Software-based load balancers offer superior programmability. With load balancing software, configuration parameters can easily be adjusted, and the changes take place in real time. This adds several benefits including the ability to perform health checks, write automated scripts, modify status check codes, and redistribute traffic when needed.

3. Security & Data Protection

Load balancing software offers an added layer of security and data protection. Load balancers are configured with virtual firewalls that have rules for incoming traffic, allowing the application servers to reside behind private subnets. The application servers also have inbound/outbound rules defined that only allow traffic from/to the load balancer. Using this model, applications are insulated from many types of DoS and application attacks.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

One of the greatest advantages of software-based server load balancing is that it reduces costs. Load balancing software is more affordable and easier to provision than hardware solutions. There’s no need for the for the costly acquisition, set up, and maintenance of hardware. In this regard, load balancing software is more of an operating expense rather than a capital expenditure.

5. Ability to Deploy on Demand

The ability to deploy on demand is one of the most significant benefits of software load balancers. This feature can be very helpful for smaller businesses looking for a low-cost way to deliver a scalable product.

6. Increased Reliability

Network reliability can be greatly improved with software server load balancing. If one server happens to fail, the remaining servers pick up the workload immediately so that service is not interrupted. Performance and availability are improved, without the need to have an excess of servers on hand.

Software Server Load Balancing Solutions

With advantages such as added savings, security, and scalability, software load balancers are a perfect solution for today’s organizations. Resonate’s advanced load balancing solutions are a requirement for high-performing, highly-available applications. To learn more about our products or services, contact us today.
