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Server Load Balancer Archives - Resonate Networks

Server Load Balancer

What You Should Know When Considering a Server Load Balancer

A server load balancer plays an important role in distributing traffic across numerous processing resources. Load balancing is essential in…

5 years ago

What is Global Server Load Balancing?

Many companies opt to maintain clusters of servers in more than one location. This could be in an effort to…

6 years ago

What is High Availability?

As we modernize online services, the need increases to put systems into place that allow servers to perform optimally. High…

6 years ago

Why Website Speed Is So Important for Gaining and Retaining Customers

In today’s fast-paced world, customers are accustomed to having the world at their fingertips on their desktop and mobile devices.…

6 years ago

When does your Business Need a Load Balancer?

Load balancers help ease the stress of traffic coming towards a company’s servers. They do this by redistributing the traffic…

6 years ago