General FAQ

Who is Resonate?

Founded in 1995, Resonate is a privately held company and a leading provider of software and virtual load balancing and traffic management solutions to enterprises who must guarantee end-user service levels for business-critical applications, while lowering operating costs.

Hundreds of customers worldwide including AT&T, AIG, Bank of America, Chase Manhattan Corporation, Citibank, Eastman Chemical, E*TRADE, FedEx, France Telecom, Nippon Steel and UBS PaineWebber among others, rely on Resonate solutions.

Resonate is headquartered in Morgan Hill, California, USA.

What solutions does Resonate offer?

Resonate Central Dispatch™ is a software load balancing and traffic management product that provides consistent, reliable availability and performance to a single data center.

Resonate Global Dispatch™ is a WAN-based software load balancing and traffic management product that provides consistent, reliable availability and performance across multiple sites and geographies.

Resonate CDConsole™ is a network and application monitoring tool that operates in conjunction with Central Dispatch to ensure high availability for business-critical applications.

How can I get more information about Resonate's solutions?

You can obtain more information about Resonate solutions by clicking HERE. You can also contact Resonate sales at 408-545-5500 or email sales@localhost

How do I get an evaluation copy of Resonate products?

You can register for an evaluation of our software by clicking HERE. You can also contact Resonate sales at 408-545-5501 or email sales@localhost.

What kind of technical support can I get from Resonate?

Resonate offers a full range of professional services and support to assist in the development and maintenance of your business-critical applications. Our world-class organization provides expertise in enterprise infrastructure design and the deployment of Resonate solutions, enabling maximum potential for all business-critical applications. Resonate specialists are available to answer questions and provide consulting services 24 hours a day. You can obtain more information about Resonate technical support by clicking HERE.

Resonate and the Resonate Logo are registered trademarks of Resonate, Inc. Central Dispatch, CDvLB, Global Dispatch, Simplifying Complex Networks and CDConsole are trademarks of Resonate, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.