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The Importance of Load Balancing in Object Storage | Resonate
The importance of load balancing in object storage.

The Importance of Load Balancing in Object Storage

Life before the digital revolution was quite simple—driven by papers, with documents that were deemed as confidential safely stored in sealed envelopes or locked away in filing cabinets for safekeeping. When a document was deemed no longer useful, the paper shredder kept its contents secure and away from prying eyes.

While the benefits of the digital world are undeniable, it has since empowered individuals with too much hold over data accessibility, which can sometimes be detrimental. Given the wide scope of storing, sharing, and accessing, data has now become privy to everyone, vulnerable to just a few clicks of buttons. Sensitive information falls into the wrong hands every day, which has given rise to theft, data loss, and staggering business downtime.

Such vulnerability has given rise to the need for data management, especially as companies all over the world scramble to keep their data and network secure. Computer systems, however, are highly complicated. Imbued with confusing operating systems and intricate applications, keeping with databases and networks can be a challenge.

Such arrangements call for specific data protection systems, but safeguarding data is paramount—this is where load balancing comes in. Load balancers are designed to specifically manage the flow of information between the server and device, making data management efficient, fast, and secure. By investing in technology, companies are able to not only streamline business processes but also keep their operations secure.

Load Balancing in Object Storage: An Unquestionable Necessity

It’s imperative to note that a poorly managed object storage platform is vulnerable to most threats, particularly cyber-attacks. As companies move into the cloud platform, the demand for load balancing grows exponentially. Through the functions and features provided by load balancers, companies are free to operate without the threat of cyberattacks.

Most attacks come in the form of denial-of-service (DDoS), but load balancers have the ability to shift the attack and direct it off course. Load balancing solutions also enable systems to become responsive, thereby preventing object storage systems from suffering downtime.

The Effectiveness of Multiple Storage Locations

Load balancing software also allows companies to distribute and store data in various locations. By doing so, any system failures can be managed accordingly, ensuring that businesses never suffer from downtime. In the business landscape, a minute could make or break buying purchase success. Should a data center fail, for instance, your users will be able to access the same database from another center, as data is easily reflected and replicated in the secure network provided by load balancers, no matter the geographical location.

Through their traffic-distributing capabilities, load balancers enable users to manage client object storage systems, also ensuring that data is never lost. Regular health checks can also be conducted, all to ensure that each center can be accessed without a hitch.

Load Balancing and Beyond

As businesses continue to adapt to data storage demands and security in the digital era, focusing on solutions that keep object storage systems secure and intact is key to success. Technology continues to evolve by the day and as it does, threats also shift and form to adapt—it’s only logical to invest in a solution that continues to evolve as well.

While having sophisticated storage systems will be worth investing in, having a load balancer in place ensures that your business operations remain uninterrupted. With a load balancer deployed correctly, your data will remain secure, safe, and completely accessible—no matter the cyberthreat.

Load Balancer Products Created by Professionals

If you’re on the hunt for quality and innovative load balancing software, Resonate offers the best solutions. We offer you simple but powerful models, all guaranteed to deliver results. In such a highly competitive and fast-paced environment, only businesses capable of adapting to change can succeed—and we’re committed to helping you achieve just that. Invest in business protection—reach out to us today.
